Sunday, June 09, 2019

E3 2019 is upon us!

This is one of my favorite times of the year, the Electronics Entertainment Expo, better known as E3, where the Video Game World is treated to a tremendous amount of news, announcements, etc.  There's so much to look forward to!  Already we've seen some sweet footage of the upcoming Madden 20 game, heard some information about new features, etc. and we're just getting warmed up!  

What will we hear from Cyberpunk 2077?  What will we hear, if anything, from Dragon Age?  Will we hear an announcement of Fable 4?  Of course as exciting as it is to look forward to major announcements about games we already know about, at least as possibilities, it's also fun to be totally surprised by a new game that nobody saw coming, I'm looking forward to hopefully hearing at least one or two really cool and totally new games too!

Stay tuned, right here, to the Gladiator Blog, for major news, information, announcements, and analysis from the awesomeness that is E3!

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